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Signal Connect and Wilson have solutions for every need!

Products for Home, Small Business, and Vehicles

weBoost products lead the way with the most powerful, easiest-to-use products for spaces up to 20,000 square feet. Install yourself or choose full-service installation.

Products for Large Business and Enterprise

Wilson Pro offers carrier-approved solutions for virtually any size space. Distributed Antenna Systems from Wilson Pro give you strong data and clear calls everywhere.

At some point, we all suffer from bad cell service.

With cellular products from Wilson, you'll never be out of touch!

Businesses depend on cell booster technology because IT WORKS.

Signal Connect has worked with Wilson for 20 years to give our customers the best solutions for spaces from 10 to 100,000 square feet.


01 - Receives Signal

The powerful antenna reaches out to access a voice, 3G, 4G and LTE data signals, and delivers it to the booster.

02 - Boosts Signal

The booster receives the signal, amplifies it, and serves as a relay between your phone and the nearest cellphone tower.

03 -Broadcasts Signal

Your devices get a stronger signal, and calls and data are fed through the booster back to the network.

We'll keep you connected! Fill out the form for a personalized consultation.